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Winning at Life

Winning at Life

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In this journey called life, sometimes our decisions taken for whatever reasons we took them, in whichever way we made them, could lead to the situation(s) standing in our ways, eating on our joy.

The challenge standing on your path, that’s right now starring you in the face, could also be due to another’s actions or inactions or both, and not your fault in anyway.

You may right now not be living the way you’d proposed, and seems like life has cheated you in some way or taken something dear from you.

You are probably married, but it turned on is not your dream marriage and not to the somebody you’d have preferred; but you are married all the same; and it could be that your kids are not as smart and upcoming as you’d loved.

And the list goes on! It is called life, everyone I know out there just manages to smile and wake up to life everyday out of a good attitude; they choose to be happy with themselves, counting their blessing, and enjoying what is left, i.e. is somewhat in their favor.

Winning at life is more about deciding to enjoy everyday you wake up into, approaching it as a treasure, a gold mine; daily looking forward to the blessing the Creator loaded or packed into today for you.

And it is not what you have or don’t have, it is what you are giving; it is more on deciding to give away what you have and what you don’t have – refusing to hold too tightly to anything.

Letting go is the rule, not what you have or don’t have, but what you are readily giving away, how you are giving it, how much of it you are giving, the number of people you are blessing in the process – this is true life, life at its best.

Accolades are great if they come, they will surely come, could be few, surprisingly from insignificant, unexpected sources, but keep giving despite; for he or she is weak, whose giving is driven from outside.

I like appreciation, and sometimes crave it; but what do you do if you don’t get some or enough?

I move on with my life, doing the little I can to impact the few I could – and little multiplies and few could become much.

So, why you live with the stuffs in your life, you have chosen to continue to live with due probably to some values or believes of yours (as we all have power to effect change), be focused on creating your own happiness and tapping on the joy within you.

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