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The Door Into Your Future 3

The Door Into Your Future 3

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Before reading this chapter, be sure to read chapter1 and chapter2

Breaking free and stepping into your positive, enviable future.

The key to breaking free is the familiarity with the things that are helpful and those things that are destructive.

Most of our lives [against our knowledge and realization] are hidden away from us, frozen like water turned ice, not allowed to flow, which is its destiny and purpose. Divinity made, designed and purposed water to flow. Anything else [that which is outside this design] is contrary and limiting. There are folks so locked up in these molds that the only good enough description for them will be that they are lost in the center or core of an iron cast. The men and women regulated by these molds move about like living corpses, they live struggling in their graves waiting to be covered and forgotten. Most such folks are lost and forgotten. They have so withdrawn from real living that they’ve become problems for the bulk of human kind.

The molds or boundaries that will take most of our time in this section on “breaking free and stepping in” are the negative, limiting, denying and trapping ones. Yes, we want to expose the things that are denying you release of yourself, keeping you from being challenged to go at life with the best of you and trapping your mind, potential and gifts in days gone by.


What is mold?

A mold is a shape giver! It is a hollow container with a predetermined shape, size, form, pattern, dimension, nature, life and style it wants to give its victims or clients.

Formless substances are poured into it either by divine decision, e.g. a child at birth or by self-choice or option, e.g. a man at the age of responsibility.

Any substance poured into it is forced to take its shape and eventual harden into it.

The mold has a particular shape it gives substances –person in this case, who are poured into or those who out of free will allow themselves to be poured into it.

A wise woman sees the future with the eyes of the Proverbs thirty-one woman.

A walk with wise men into the future!

The book of Proverb [most of it is written] all of it is compiled by the wisest man that ever lived before the work of Christ on the cross. In it is revealed the need to, how to and whom to go to for a see into the future.

Let’s see the future from wisdom’s perspective.


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