The Door Into Your Future_ a series by Lennie Esomitoje
What is the future?
The future of a person is a time about him or her that is yet to happen, soon or later. It is a realm of conception, vision, dream and impression. It is awaiting delivery!
It is a period that is lying in wait. Most times, the wait is caused by certain circumstances which would include “opportunities, difficulties, obstacles, right time, precise air, rough moment, self-awareness, and a sense of purpose and destiny. The future relies on these circumstances to usher it into being.”
Your future is the direction your life is headed, the purpose on which your potentials are spent and the focus you are bent on maintaining.
And once you’ve discovered your future -your spouse, who you befriend, those you keep company with, where you go, what you eat, how you think, how you dress, how you talk and what you say become an issue.
What is purpose?
The purpose is the reason behind the drive towards realization and accomplishment.
It is the supposed intention or motivation behind every word, action, attitude, behavior, mannerism and approach one display in the pursuit of the good life.
It is what regulates our drive towards what we have resolved to go after in life [or at certain times in life].
It is the blueprint or design that we want to build our lives after.
Your future is hanging on your self-discovery –your link with the Creator, the reason for your inclusion in the human race. Your future also hangs on you discovering your purpose and your physical, natural, mental, spiritual and emotional endowments.
It is possible to open the door!
- Not to be left behind in life, you must embrace the need for change, and change. For change is the only constant in life.
- With your power of “choice and decision-making”, you can make the needed change that is required to enter into your future.
- Your agreeing to assess the direction on which you are headed may be one of the major keys that will open for your future.
- Your flesh [its appetites] may be the only enemy you need to conquer for you to enter your change.
- Insist on things that are helpful and desist from the destructive ones.
- You are the one assigned by divinity to discover, study, monitor, control and live out your future.
- As the owner of your future you can do any of the following with it.
- You either insist on it giving the discipline to bring it to pass.
- You can decide a quick exit and abandon that future and destiny.
- You can choose to slug and be a master excuse giver, and end in great limitedness.
Getting a hold on your future
Be definite about the kind of future you want; it is a major key to attaining it. To seize and achieve that future you must know it, want it and go for it. If your life has no destination in view, just any pathway will be worth taking to you. Going nowhere means just anywhere is good enough to go. No direction in view is motion for the fun of it; it is gross confusion. Such motion is a waste of potentials, energy, abilities, gifts and talents. You don’t just engage in the pursuit of destiny and purpose. To avoid wasting your life, getting and going and go for exactly what you want in life, you must:
- Be fully convinced about your future, the role you are meant to play on earth.
- Decide that path you want to take in attaining this purpose for your inclusion in the human race.
- Choose the team, method, tools, training, education, or other means of going for your purpose.
- You need a team of like-minded persons whose job it is to analyze, criticize, fine-tune, stay with you, nest and with you watch your future manifest. These buddies see their participation in your life a part of their destiny.
- Study yourself; discover your inbuilt capacity to make your going at your future successful.
- Gather the information that will make your pursuit worthwhile.
- Make your pursuit a pleasure in the midst of the difficulties and obstacles you will meet on the way.
- Analyze the cost, time and all else required to make your future count.
- Divide your journey into small units of time, short-term: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and long-term: five, ten, twenty or more years.
- Focus and concentrate on one thing at a time, best done by spreading your purpose, life and pursuit on “units’ time” at time.
- Arrange or spread-out the plan you’ve designed to enable you reach your future.
- Be well ready to first defend your blueprint, plan, goals, aims and pursuit before your team and then all else.
And these musts will get you going in search of and develop:
- Positive-pursuit,
- Education [training]
- Association [team]
- Start all [beginning]
- Readiness to make mistakes and learn from them as you go.
Positive pursuit
Instead of spending your time [your life] on planning insignificants like birthday parties, wedding anniversaries, travels, weekends, holidays and vacation [except if of course they contributes to the fulfilling of your future] engage in activities that assist the coming to pass of your destiny.
If you live for pleasures like good food, fashion, gadgets, fast cars, association with the so-called biggies of the society, doing things because others do them –just passing time, you are lost and need to find yourself. This book is your answer.
Who you marry, the kind of job(s) you keep, the reason you are keeping your present job, the reason you want that training, the company you keep and the things that take your time should be helps to reaching your future. Pursue relationships, trainings, jobs, lifestyles, means and focus that will lead you to your future. Without a positive plan, your trouble with destiny is still big, yet solve-able if you have this book in your hand.
Any direction you are headed must be quizzed from time to time. You must set up ways to quiz your pursuit from time to time. Whether you know where you are going [or not] is beside the point; you will end somewhere, whether against your will or not. It doesn’t matter if you pay attention or not, you are going somewhere and you will land there, planned or unplanned. If you value your future at all, the path that will take you to it will matter. Examine where you’ve been, re-evaluate where you are headed.
What you do with your mind, how you treat money when you have it, how much you quiz your present focus and what you are willing to give in your quest to seize your place on earth tells if your pursuit is positive or negative! Disciplining, Subjecting, training, and instructing your mind to be strong, grown and aware enough to be helpful in your pursuit of destiny is positive. Engaging your money in investments like savings, real estates, stock purchase, enjoying the good life etc. is positive. And giving your desire to live the good life your full commitment and determination is positive. Do the positive with all you can contribute to your achieving a good life on earth; and divinity will send you the needed help.
Engage teamwork
Start all
You have to give the willingness to learn as you go
NEXT ON THE The Door Into Your Future SERIES
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