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From the first time you give your life to Christ, you become responsible for God’s business here on earth. Many people live as though they have control over eternity. But the truth is, you don’t. You only have control over the moment you are in. This implies that it is in your hand to handle every moment to yield good results or bad ones.
God also has given us a task or a reason to be present on earth and the reason is PURPOSE. Purpose does not have a particular face to it. Purpose is in different shapes, forms and sizes but in the end, it all comes together to be a solution to a long lasting problem or even a solution to a problem people weren’t seeing. Purpose can however be defined as the sole reason for existence.
It is to this end that man cannot be satisfied or complete until he has found his purpose. Because we are intellectual beings like our Creator, He has merged our purposes with certain areas of our lives that will take some little digging in if we care to try, to discover. We can call it a puzzle. He made it this way because nothing found on surface level is ever taken seriously. To this cause, as we proceed in the quest of discovering purpose, it may just be that you might not be able to find it all yourself. But because the Infinite Intelligence can never leave out any detail, he made provisions for such situations in creating other men. Man is complementary. Because man is no island and man was made for man (to complement), if your life is not giving answer to someone on this planet, you are wasting time and space. Your life no matter how big or small is contributory to the fulfillment of somebody.
God gave us two things: time and space. Time is constant, space isn’t. It is important to spend time wisely. It is an important entity that cannot be bought and cannot be gotten back.
Selfishness traps. ‘Self-centeredness’ will trap you. Having only to think only of yourself all the time or what you stand to gain from whatever transaction is a terrible way to live life. People will in no time realize and walk away from your life. To remain relevant over time, you must be conscious of what you do with people and what you do to people.
The destinies of others are dependent on you. So if you fail, the destinies of some others crumble. If you know your destiny, no man can stop you. Your contribution to someone’s dream might just be to listen to them. Another word for the word “dream” is “reach tomorrow”. The greatest ways for dream to manifest are ‘saying’, ‘praying’ and ‘believing’.
In the realm of the spirit, you don’t have a form there. Your voice is what gives you a place in the spirit realm. It is problem that introduces people, because you are the solution. For example, it was when Goliath showed up that David manifested. Joseph manifested when Pharaoh had a dream that no one could interpret.
There are people whose only purpose in life is to give other people’s life meaning. The person might not know where he/she is going, but these people can see where they are going clearly. Somebody is waiting for you to show them the way. Sometimes you are positioned to show people their way.
Some people have their dreams. But they have to help someone interpret their dream for their own dream to manifest. Some people, all they have is to help people interpret their dream.

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