A desire to be happy is something that almost everyone has in common. But it is not always easy to create happiness, nor to decide whether you are happy once you feel you should be in this particular state of mind.
Every life will have ups and downs, and so it is helpful if we have a gauge by which to judge whether we have achieved happiness or not.
Do I Wake Up Excited about the Day?
This is a tell-tale sign about your inner happiness. Do you wake up each morning ready to face the day, or do you feel anxious and fearful? It is difficult to be happy if you are starting off each morning in a negative way.
Do I Look Forward to My Main Occupation?
Whether you are working, attending school, or doing something else… you should feel a sense of anticipation when you think about being there. There are certain things we must do, like pay the rent, so your decision to work ay not be an option. You do, however, have an option as to where you work. If you don’t like it, change it.
Do I Enjoy the People I Spend Most of My Time With?
The people you spend the majority of your time with are the people who will have the greatest influence on you. If they are bitter, discouraging and lack motivation, chances are that you eventually will become the same type of person. If your friends are not uplifting, find new ones. Spend your extra time with those who will cause your life to be more joyful, and will help you create positive memories that will bring long-term happiness.
Do I Like Who I Am?
A key component to happiness is liking and loving yourself for who you are.
If you don’t, then you need to figure out why. Make necessary changes, and then choose to love yourself despite your flaws.
Do I Dread or Look Forward to My Future?
Happiness includes feeling confident and secure about your future. We live inu ncertain times, but that doesn’t mean that we have to live every day inf ear. Grow your confidence in small ways, and consider counselling if you feel more than occasional stress when you think about the future ahead.
Do I Know My Life Purpose?
Everyone has a life purpose. There is something about you that makes you a unique gift to the world. If you have not discovered this about yourself yet, your self-esteem will suffer, as will your happiness. There are many questionnaires and books dedicated to discovering your life purpose. Consider investing your time to learn more and find what makes you feel most fulfilled in life.
Being happy is not a frivolous desire. It is important to know how you are wired and what it takes to be happy with yourself and your life. By asking yourself these questions and then taking a moment to think about your answers, you will be well on your way to a life of true happiness.