Another Apostle, Paul tolls the same path as Prophet Isaiah (and a word is confirmed at the mouth of two witnesses) but, he rather enumerated the challenges of attempting a fresh start.
Paul stated, “to this very moment we go hungry and thirsty; we are clothed in rags; we are beaten; we wander from place to place; we wear ourselves out with hard work. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure; when we are insulted, we answer back with kind words. We are no more than this world’s garbage; we are the scum of the earth to this very moment!” Paul outlined the challenges, things that discourages, reduces, and sidelines us in the pursuit of our destinies.
Challenges of a fresh start:
A strong desire, craving for success (yet unrealized).A feeling of pain, emptiness, or weakness induced by lack of satisfaction. An unquenched appetite, desire, need for something more, better, sweeter, comforting, at least by one’s definition. Physical hunger, empty stomach, which can so occupy one that the discovery and pursuit of purpose is no more the focus.
Unquenched sensation, awareness, sensing need for something better, to do something more. Feeling that the air around us is dusty and we are losing life, energy and poise. A strong feeling of unease, suffocation, discomfort, and restlessness.
Clothes of rag
Things about us, which make us, hate ourselves, mostly the way we presently are; still far away from our preconceived destination, yet time seems lost and almost gone.
Formed, shaped or made thin by the blows and hammers of life. Worn by continuous use, especially fruitless, familiar (and much) effort. Totally worn-out; exhausted. Defeated or baffled by lack of progress. Wasting energy and ending up off the tracks. Overcome by exhaustion; worn-out from trying one’s perceived best effort. Made light, weightless, and feeling a strong sense of irrelevance
Wandering from place to place
Engaged in aimless pursuit, living on trial and error, guessing the next step, lost instead of having a definite destination; a once develop map, definite desire, definite purpose lost, and steps cannot be retrieve, a sense of not knowing what to do, to recover.
Worn out with hard-work
A state of burnout, when one is affected by wear or use, especially when a sense of fulfillment and things no more add up. Showing the wearing effects of overwork, care, worry, or suffering. Haggard; withdrawn because one is drained, exhausted; spent especially without equivalent (expected) compensation.
Harassment or bad treatment based mostly on one’s unique approach to being and doing. A program or campaign to subjugate or eliminate often based on differing opinions, position, perspective, viewpoint and approach to issues, things and life general.
To treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness; affront. To affect as an affront; offend or demean. To attack; assault, to behave with insolent triumph; exult contemptuously on, upon, or over. An insolent or contemptuously rude action or remark; affront.
Seen, treated as garbage by the world
A state in which one sees self (or are called and, or treated so by others) as rubbish, waste, dung and when one’s presence, (or present state), is perceived, addressed and taken for disturbance.
Prophet Isaiah and Apostle Paul, agree that we, you and I, may be down, but are clearly not down and out, until we consent and quit the fight of life. A knock down is not a knock out. Take Mohammed Ali (the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time) as example. Most times (it is common with him, that) in fights, when it seems he is out down and out completely, he comes back, rises up to win to awe of the crowd who concluded he had lost .
The necessary steps to take to start afresh, will include
Leave the past behind you.
Are you entering a dream new life or taking step to right some wrongs, overcome a few hold backs? It is important to leave the past year behind you. You cannot move on if you cannot let go. Ask your friends to help you put your past behind you as well; every bit of support can help.
Consider your reasons for embarking on this journey.
Turning corners in your life is a positive step towards your future, but not if it means avoiding the real problems from your past. Sweeping them under the rug will only create bigger problems later on so deal with your demons head on.
Clean up your life.
Evaluate the people and things in your life. This could be as easy as deleting a few casual friends or as difficult as breaking up with a partner.
Make resolutions and stick to them.
Choose a number of specific resolutions that you will be able to keep (face them one at a time). This is a positive step of self-improvement. Take the steps to being healthier, happier or confident.
Redesign yourself.
This step can be as drastic or as small as you wish. You could change your haircut, overhaul your wardrobe or experiment with different styles of make-up. Begin to take steps to look like the you, you envision in the future. The fresh you.