Introduction As we mentioned in the introduction, there are positive types of stress that motivate us and drive us to improve ourselves, our relationships, and our lives. For example, when you have a child, there is positive stress around the excitement of the birth, preparing to make sure that you have taken the right parenting…
For workers around the globe, stress on the job can be a challenge. There is already a certain level of stress in our lives outside of work and then we encounter even more stress arising from the pressures we face on the job. In times of a poor economy, these stress levels tend to…
What Are Thinking Skills?
Few of us spend much time consciously practicing thinking skills. We believe that thinking is either a natural function or believe that the great thinkers among us are gifted. Nothing could be further from the truth. All research shows that each of us has a hugely powerful potential in our brains that lies vastly under-used….