Do you ever wonder how life is so beautiful or enjoyable and so painful at the same time? Well, sometimes, you cannot appreciate beauty without pain. I do not mean that life has to be all painful. No. Can you enjoy and appreciate beauty without pain? Yes, you can. So how do you deal with…
Motivation for individuals
Nature vs nurture It is perhaps worth exploring here the perennial question about what shapes us as individuals – is it our nature that we are born with that dominates our future path, or is it nurture – the way that we are brought up and the influences on and around us during that time?…
What motivates us?
Taking responsibility for yourself and every outcome of your life is where your leadership starts. What motivates us? Different things motivate different people. In this article, we will be looking at what can motivate us as individuals. Let’s start by examining the priorities of different stages of life which can influence each of us greatly.