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Take Control of Your Career by Knowing Your Strengths and Story

Take Control of Your Career by Knowing Your Strengths and Story

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We’ll Answer How can identifying my strengths help me in my career? What can I do to identify my strengths and create a story that gives them context? How can I tell my story to potential employers? As you move through your career, you aren’t just along for the ride. In fact, you’re in control…

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Choosing the Right Business Partner (Business Planning)

Choosing the Right Business Partner (Business Planning)

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We’ll Answer How can a partner help my business? What factors should I consider when choosing a business partner? What factors should I consider when structuring my partnership? Imagine Ana raises and trains parrots. She’s really good at it, so she’s going to start a business. But, as a first-time entrepreneur, she wants to find…

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Business Planning: Creating Your Business Plan

Business Planning: Creating Your Business Plan

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  Objectives: What is a business plan? Why should I put my business plan in writing? What needs to go into my business plan? Lets say you and a friend need to travel across the country to attend a wedding. You have a great idea: Drive there, save money, and have fun. Your friend isn’t…

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