Living in Pictures 3

Living in Pictures 3


Living in Pictures. By Lennie Esomitoje Before reading this chapter, be sure to read Living in Pictures Taking seriously the teachings of Norman Vincent Pearle, I went to work on me. I started by deciding to see the positive in every negative, the light in every darkness and a way out when, where there seems to…

Living in Pictures 2

Living in Pictures 2


Living in Pictures. By Lennie Esomitoje Before reading this chapter, be sure to read Living in Pictures 1 It is those who put in the additional work of disciplining their mind that end up champions in their particular area, arena of the trade. To reach victory, excellence, success, nobility and fulfillment, you must discipline your…

Living in Pictures 1

Living in Pictures 1


Living in Pictures. By Lennie Esomitoje “Now nothing they imagined (or pictured, that is clear to them in their mind) that would be impossible to them”, was how the Creator described the effort of Nimrod and his team to build an edifice that would reach heaven. Living in the imaginative realm, committing your vision and

It’s time to start spending your time in a way that lights you up. I’m here to help you map out the steps & guild you along the way.



#1 Lennie Esomitoje Street

Uko Road, Gana, Sapele,
Delta State. Nigeria.

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