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Improve Your Memory

Improve Your Memory

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Improve Your Memory Most of us complain at some time about our poor memories – especially when we forget things that are important, such as birthdays, anniversaries and meetings. But it is not memory that lets us down. Our brains remember everything we have ever experienced; we know this from near-death experiences, hypnosis and feelings…

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Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

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Positive Thinking For much of the time our thoughts let us down. They are confused, disjointed and reactive. They don’t have to be. Through training our thoughts to be positive, focused and assertive, we can at a stroke improve the quality of our thinking.

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PURPOSEFrom the first time you give your life to Christ, you become responsible for God’s business here on earth. Many people live as though they have control over eternity. But the truth is, you don’t. You only have control over the moment you are in. This implies that it is in your hand to handle…

It’s time to start spending your time in a way that lights you up. I’m here to help you map out the steps & guild you along the way.



#1 Lennie Esomitoje Street

Uko Road, Gana, Sapele,
Delta State. Nigeria.

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