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Turning lemons to lemonade

Turning lemons to lemonade

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Dr. Lennie and his wife, Pastor Florence at the launching of Philip Osigbemhe’s newest book “Turning Lemon To Lemonade”.

Many people will not pay so much attention to Lemon, amid the so much media hype about its health benefits.

But turn it lemonade, and the supermarkets are gueue up to help market it.

So it is with a life that agrees, decides to go through processing; first through spiritual, then natural processing.

The making of a life that will sell at great price can be likened to the journey of crude oil to finished product:
a. The exploration which starts with a decision, selling the idea, raising take off fund, seismic activities, drilling, etc;
b. Then separation into gas, oil and water at a process plant;
c. And for oil, transportation to a refinery to get out consumable gas, common fuel for cars, kerosene for domestic and aircrafts, diesel for heavy duty engines, etc.
d. As soon as crude gets to the surface, vessels are lined up to buy, but the finished product is queued for by people all over the world.

Lemonade is processed through
1. Planting the seed
2. Growing the tree
3. Plucking the lemon fruits
4. Cutting and squeezing
5. Filtration
6. Adding honey/preservatives
7. Refrigeration/storage
8. People begin to pay for it.

Speech By Dr. Lennie Eseoghene Esomitoje, at Turning Lemon To Lemonade.






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