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Ever had a word hanging in your throat, only for someone else to voice it out, and take your shine? You reasoned out the solution probably before or during the meeting, only to begin to feel unsure of yourself, and someone locks in into the zone and takes the credit.

Thinking out the solution was great, but thoughts must be voiced for it to be credible; for your world to access the solution it contains. Doing the extra is where the credit is – it is the way of excellence. You should have given your voice to your thought, and taken the credit.

Excellence is “taking credit.” To take credit for a job you do, make sure that everything is as flawless as can be. Thoroughness! You ensure that that job comes out as a good representation of who you are. You make sure that every eye that sees it, sees excellence. That is how you take credit.

Leadership excellence starts with a desire. So it is with our every move towards purposeful ends. It is the same way we approach greatness in other areas of expertise and involvement, that we should approach leadership and entrepreneurship.
Leadership and entrepreneurship are two key means the Creator gave everyone (and that means all of us – each one has something to offer) assigned responsibility to contribute towards humanity enabling ends.
To be proficient at what we are assigned and what we do, we must seek to do it excellently.
Excellence starts with the heart. It has to be so, for it to be real; anything outside the heart is fake. But you are permitted to fake it, till it's real.
Mind you, real is the goal, if excellence is your target, if excellence is the way you plan on reaching your ends - keep it real.

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It’s time to start spending your time in a way that lights you up. I’m here to help you map out the steps & guild you along the way.


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