As leaders, going the extra mile is what separates you for greatness. The extra mile is the next step above mediocrity. People are mediocre because they are comfortable with doing things averagely. They are not prepared to actually stretch themselves to discover their deepest potential. If you are ever going to be an excellent leader, you are willing to go the extra mile.
Everyone wants to shine. Everyone wants to be in the spot light. Everyone wants to be recognized but not everyone wants to do what it takes to get to that most coveted position of shine.
Why? Because certain people look at excellence from the angle of difficulty. Some people think that excellence is a far-fetched feat. They perceive that it is difficult to achieve. Not exactly. Yeah, it will take extra time, extra resources, more commitment and dedication; but it is achievable when you put your mind to it.
Simply, Excellence is ‘extra miling.’
Yes, it is about doing that little extra that we often times put off for later or totally ignore. Excellence is not a destination, it is an event – a daily event we keep at. This means that we decide to do the little extras as we go out every day.
That means staying, waiting a little longer, paying the little extra, asking one more question, and one more, and on, and on; it is willingly, and sometimes grudgingly doing the extra stuff required.
It is refusing to quit midway, or somewhere close to the end, but staying through to the end, until you get what you want – until you win. Excellence is developing hate for average/mediocre performance and results. It is refusing to stay stuck in the middle of something, it is determination turn desired result.