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What is Drifting?

Drifting is a habit that you will never find in a successful individual. The habit of drifting manifests the mind and causes individuals to go through life without knowing what they want to accomplish. Drifting is a cancer of the brain, as once you start drifting on one subject; you will soon begin to drift on every subject.

A drifter is any individual that allows their thoughts to be influenced and controlled by circumstances outside of their own minds. Someone who does little thinking, and lets everyone else do their thinking for them. The habit of drifting enters one’s mind through one of the following thoughts: “fear, superstition, avarice, greed, lust, revenge, anger, vanity, and plain laziness”.

The minute that thoughts enter your mind about how you can’t do something and you start looking for excuses, you begin to drift. Society starts every individual off on the path to drifting by destroying the habit of thinking for ourselves as children. Schools teach us how to memorize someone else’s opinions and regurgitate those opinions on tests for a grade.

Religious leaders start people on the habit of drifting by confusing minds with improvable ideas concerning a world that we know nothing about.Our minds are already introduced to drifting before we even realize it. Drifting is solidified in our mind with thoughts of fear, discouragement, hopelessness, and destructiveness. Many people never realize their full potential, because they create limitations on themselves and accept what life has thrown at them.

Qualities of a Drifter
“People who give over their minds to fear – any sort of fear – neglect to use their minds and begin to drift” – Napoleon HillA drifter is someone who does not utilize the power of free thinking. They drift through life with no purpose and accepts what life gives them in return. Dr. Hill illustrates the following qualities of a drifter:

  • Total lack of a major purpose in lifeObvious lack of self-confidence
  • Never accomplishes anything requiring thought or effort.
  • Spends freely and saves sparingly.
  • Possesses little or no imagination.
  • Lacks enthusiasm and initiative to begin anything, and will take the line of least resistance if forced to complete a task.
  • Ill-tempered and lacks control over emotions.
  • Personality lacks magnetism and pushes people away.
  • Has opinions on everything but accurate knowledge of nothing.
  • Neglects to cooperate with those around them.
  • Makes the same mistake over and over and never profits from failure.
  • Narrow-minded and intolerant on all subjects. Will be ready to attack if faced with a differing opinion.
  • Expect everything from others but gives little in return.
  • May begin many things but completes nothing.
  • Quick to criticize others who are succeeding in their calling.
  • Will tell a lie rather than admit ignorance on a subject.
  • Will criticize superiors behind their backs while flattering them to their faces.
  • Works harder to get out of thinking than most do to earn a decent living.

Qualities of a Non-Drifter

Those who think for themself never drift. A non-drifter takes from life exactly what he wants, and on his terms. These individuals do not wait for opportunity to be placed in their path, they create the opportunity. Dr. Hill describes the following qualities of a non-drifter:

  • Someone who thinks for themselves.
  • Always engaged in doing something definite, through a well organized plan.
  • Is always working toward their major goal in life, and minor goals which lead towards the central scheme.
  • Someone that knows exactly what they want and are determined to get it, no matter how long it may take or the price that must be paid.
  • Gives direct answers to questions and never falls back on evasions or gives excuses.
  • Extends many favors to others, but accepts favors sparingly.
  • Will be found up front, whether playing a game or fighting a war.
  • If they do not know the answers they will say so frankly.
  • Possesses a good memory and never offers an alibi for shortcomings.
  • Never blames others for mistakes no matter if they deserve the blame.
  • An inspiration to anyone who comes in contact with their mind.
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