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Great leaders are known to move swiftly in response to some deep impressions, hunches or burdens. A lot of my big time accomplishments are mostly responses to hunches. Before I started out with my quarterly leadership conferences, I had thought about it over and over. Thinking about where I was going to start from and with what I was going to start. I thought seriously about it. Thinking about it was a good and necessary place to start but it wasn’t enough to get anything in place. Then I started to talk about it. Talking about it, still didn’t do much but it gave me a platform. I didn’t know anyone who could help put things in place but when I spoke about it to a co-worker, he offered to introduce me to someone who would help. When I got the contact address of the person, I moved. I gathered my staff and we started making plans as soon as I was told that it could be possible. And since then, I haven’t relaxed or relented and we have had a couple of successful leadership conferences in a short while.

As a leader, when you want things to be done, go for it. Do not think or brood over it more than is necessary. If you have thought about it and you have weighed the odds and discovered that going for it is best, then go for it. Again, don’t ever postpone what you can do right now, for a minute later. Something could crop up in between to steal that opportunity. It’s not that it’s easy to just jump on things when they crop up, whenever, however they crop up; it’s that you must muster up the courage, even if it is on what could seem your last strength, just because you know you have to and won’t want to waste the opportunity. Procrastination is a fight you have to consciously overcome daily. It is not an easy one for anybody and until you master the art of doing things with ultimate urgency, you have to keep practicing. Leaders are humans too. That you are a leader does not mean that you do not pass through daily life challenges like other people do. What differentiates you from everybody else is that you can manage these situations so that they do not blow up in your face and in the faces of others.

Learn to take actions on your goals and dreams because dreams don’t work unless you do. You can spend the whole day dreaming about your future but until you work, you will never have that future. When you open your eyes, you will still be in that shitty environment you were in before you started dreaming. Dreams are inanimate and only will begin to live if you bring them to life by working on them. Just like when you leave a bucket or a pen on a table before you step out, you will come back to meet it exactly where you left it. It will only move when you move it. Your dreams will not be actualized if you do not take steps. Take a step every day that will push you closer to your dream. If you aspire to be something or to own something, do something every day that will push you closer to it.  Knowing that everything around us wait for us to move, we have an only choice of moving in the directions that will yield our anticipated, desired outcomes. So, overcome that inertia, get up from your procrastinating self, put on your shoes and start moving.

Note: inertia is the initial resistance that greets your efforts to move in the direction of your anticipated outcome. At the start of a move, it may seem a fruitless banter, but effort maintained, you will soon see purpose in your journey. Don’t forget, greatness is more a journey, than a destination.

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It’s time to start spending your time in a way that lights you up. I’m here to help you map out the steps & guild you along the way.


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